Wednesday, July 21, 2010

T-shirts for The Secret Whisper

More designs for the Secret Whisper but T-Shirts this time hooooray!

Select Photos

A couple of photos I took using my mum's and monique's slr cameras. Wish i had my own!

Charmaine Olivia

Recently I discovered the artwork of Charmaine Olivia. Her drawings, paintings and photos are amazingly cute and make me wish I had drawing talent :( Check out her website here. Oh also I used one of her drawings to make up my heading for the blog

The Secret Whisper Posters

I did these posters for the band The Secret Whisper for a couple of their gigs.

Visual Communication

My advertisement and information design for a uni assignment where we had to create representations from a fantasy device. Mine was a headpiece which grew hair in a matter of minutes.